Does being a Christian always make us free from troubles? Tom looks at one incident in the bible.Also, we celebrate the first anniversary of our new bulletin "Connected".
Take a look at our Sunday service - see if you can spot some family likenesses. Aso we hear from Meg and the work at the Beacon.
We hear from another of our NHS workers and also Tom looks in the bible for where the word “Christian” started.
Do we ever treat God like a genie who we expect to grant all our wishes?Why are we Christians? Is it for what we can get out of it?Is our…
What does 'repent' actually mean for you and me? Repentance can be followed by the best of the gospel news - our sins wiped out and times of refreshing from…
First lines of books should grip you and leave you wanting to know more. So how does the Bible begin and what does that tell us about the rest of…
Today we look at the first part of the passage our 'Verse For The Year' stems from – where Peter and John heal the lame beggar. In particular we’re looking…