A contradiction is a statement that is a complete negative of another statement. The earth is flat, the earth is round. They cannot both be true. A paradox is two…
I’ll Show You A Mystery Where does your lap go when you stand up? Where does your fist go when you open your fingers? Have you ever tried to explain…
London Fashion week has concluded that the colours of our summer outfits this year will be black, white, and beige with only a little accent of red in order to…
Journey Into A New Year We so love Christmas that we tend to pack what is quite a long time span all into one story! So, Mary finds she is…
Britain’s Got Talent? If you ask children today what they want to be, the dreams of my childhood are no longer there. Engine drivers and firemen have given way to…
Living in a multi-cultural society. Why do some people find our Christian faith so hard to understand? Why might they think that God doesn’t care for them or that they…
“This Old Testament passage talks about the discovery of some treasures. The question is, what will they do with their discovery? Will they share it or keep it for themselves…?”
You are just on your way out when the phone rings, or you are hurrying down the street when someone you haven’t seen for some time wants to tell you…