
Baby and Toddler Group
Wednesdays 10:15 – 11:45am (during term time)
£2.00 per session for 1 adult and 1 child (an additional 50p per extra adult or child)
We operate a registration system for our group.
If you would like to join us, please contact us using the details are at the bottom of this page, then we will let you know if a space is available.
OUR GROUP IS CURRENTLY FULL AND WE HAVE A WAITING LIST – Please do be in touch if you would like to be added to the list.
Our Aims: To share God’s word through Bible stories, crafts, songs, prayers and play. To build relationships with parents/carers and their children. To sew the seeds of faith and nurture a growing relationship with Jesus in our families. To be a stepping stone on their journey. To be a safe and supportive group where friendship grows and families can experience something of God’s love for them.
Our theme for the next half-term is: ‘Love, Love, Love!’
Winter/ Spring session dates:
8th January
15th January
22nd January
29th January
5th February
12th February
Our theme for the next half-term is: ‘God made the weather!’
26th February
5th March
12th March
19th March
26th March (Mums – Mothering Sunday
2nd April (Easter Special)
What will a session look like?
We’ll begin with free play and refreshments from the café – Time to play and chat! Then at 11:00am we all gather for a Bible story and a song! After that, the craft area opens up and for those who aren’t feeling crafty, a chance to go and enjoy the refreshments and play again! We finish with songs, our British Sign Language prayer and our Goodbye Song.
For regular updates please like and follow our Facebook page:
For more information or to request a place, please contact our Family Ministry Co-ordinator, Nicky Boardman at