Our passage in Matthew's gospel talks about two very different sorts of king; Herod and Jesus. We'll begin to see how this gospel writer points us to the true King.
Mary takes centre stage in this reading as she declares God's promises to a waiting world. There are several women in the Bible who share her name and some scholars…
Hippy Valley? John The Baptist was always a bit of a non-conformist. Strange diet, weird clothes, and a penchant for desert living. But he attracted attention. Yet he doesn’t do…
The second week of Advent is when we tend to think about the ministry of John the Baptist as a Church. We will be focusing on his call for us to prepare the way for the Lord and what it means to us today in our own preparation for Christmas. We'll be exploring how that message can encourage us to mend and repair broken relationships as a way of preparing during this season of Advent.
This is the last Sunday in our sermon series exploring being ROOTED and FRUITED in Christ. Paul's writing in Romans about how we are to live as followers of Christ…