All Together Service, 4th Dec 2022
The bus route from my house is on a reasonably straight road so when I’m waiting for a bus I can see when it gets to the previous stop. That is the most frustrating time of the wait because it always seems to take ages to load the passengers there. It seems so near but frustratingly isn’t here yet. What do you do when your waiting whether it’s for a bus or for dinnertime or for a special day like a birthday or Christmas? Are you a daydreamer, a fiddler, a fidget or look for a distraction by say taking out your phone?
God’s people are often left wondering why God doesn’t move a bit quicker, why it seems to take ages for Him to fulfil his promises. Is it just us that is waiting or is God also waiting and what for? What should we do while we are waiting? We are looking today at how one prophet expresses the hope and the wait of God’s people.