Palm Sunday Service 10th April 2022
Jesus had escaped from the hostility of Jerusalem and was in the wilderness near where John the Baptist had started his ministry. Folks were coming to him and an urgent message came from Mary and Martha in Bethany that their brother Lazarus was ill and could he come. Jesus waited two days and then set off, after telling his disciples that the illness was not fatal. He arrived in Bethany to find Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days and the place was filled with mourners. Martha rushed to him, and later Mary, both feeling that he was too late. Jesus was not flustered but
simply told them that Lazarus would rise again. They thought that Jesus was speaking about the last days of this world when we would all rise again but Jesus
showed his power in the face of death by commanding Lazarus to leave the tomb. Little wonder that a few days later, on the Feast, a great crowd gathered around Jesus mounted on a donkey with the Disciples as they walked down the Mount of Olives making a path of palm branches and shouting "Hosanna, King of David". Many had witnessed the greatest healing miracle of all and they knew that He was a special one sent from God.