When we say in church “we’re now going to have a time of worship” we all understand that means we’ll be singing together. But in our passage in Romans, the…
“You are the salt of the earth . . but if the salt loses it’s saltiness . . . .”. Jesus says we are the people who should have a…
Remembrance Sunday is a time for giving thanks for those who have given their lives fighting for peace – indeed our world war memorials, both at Christ Church and Emmanuel,…
Just before his death, Jesus prays for unity in his church. Possibly the behaviour of the disciples with each other over Jesus’ ministry; makes all of us realise that working…
The question we’re looking at this week is “God, do you get disappointed?“ I guess we all know that feeling when our hopes are not met - whether it’s a…
This Sunday we shall be continuing with our sermons based on the Pastoral Principles series. This week Tom will be looking at what Jesus said about the dangers of being…
How to overcome tunnel vision with the help of the Lords Prayer. Tune in to hear more.
You’ll have heard that some of us are doing the “Pastoral Principles” course looking at how, as Christians, we are to approach areas where we may disagree. One of the…