Seeing is believing? Thomas is labelled 'the doubter'. Yet, as we read all four Gospel accounts, we find that he is not the only one! If you've ever had doubts…
Does a crown make a king...? Today we will be celebrating the coronation of King Charles III and thinking about what makes a king. We'll look at his crown and…
As we read this passage, think about the meeting between Simeon, Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus. Think about the conversation and the huge impact that had on them all.…
True Giving - Earlier in Mark’s Gospel Jesus tells us that the most important commandment is this: Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Keep that in…
How do we overcome obstacles to follow Jesus. Today we here the story of Nicodemus who had a problem with this.
The focus for our services on the first Sunday of the month has been a journey through the book of Genesis. Chapters 1-11 are filled with the stories of Creation,…
Take a look at our Sunday service - see if you can spot some family likenesses. Aso we hear from Meg and the work at the Beacon.