Colossians 1: 9-14 I am not the regular shopper in our house so, when I am sent out, I am given a shopping list and sometimes even information which tells…
The Palm Sunday reading finds Jesus and the disciples standing on the head of the Mount of Olives looking down on Jerusalem. Over to one side is the village of…
Our world news is so full of anger every day. I sometimes sit and wonder where the next explosion of anger will come from. My wife says that I shout at my…
Present Everyone Mature In Christ Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist without the knowledge of Your parenthood and Your loving care. But now I am Your son,…
'Jesus, the living stone rejected by men but, in the sight of God, chosen and precious'. This is written by Peter - a tough, rough fisherman who had spent several…
Last Sunday Vicar Tom stressed that Jesus concern for the multitudes came from his great compassion for them. His calling for his twelve Apostles was to go out and share…
Do not be anxious. How do you hear this? Is it like a headmaster on a stage looking down at a small trembling boy or is it a loving, caring…
Friends took us to watch a film about Jesus' crucifixion. We watched the lead-up to this - a depiction of the beating leaving him utterly distressed, the humiliations, the crown…