Sunday Service 6th June 2021
How high can you build a tower? I expect, like me, you've tried to see how high you can build a tower out of building blocks. Truth is, it's never that high after all. The people who first lived in Babylon wanted to build such a tower - their folly was to think it could "reach into the heavens". In their arrogance, they thought they might start to become like God if they could get to him. Actually, as we realise, that was impossible - but the wonder of the Christian faith is that God hasn't asked us to make it all the way to him . . . rather He has come to us. This is the glory of our faith - that what to us was impossible was the very thing that God himself did. In Christ He came to us. How much of your and my Christian life is trying to "build our own towers" i.e. to be godly but without God's help - and how much is accepting that He came to us and relying on His help and strength?