Sunday Service 12th June 2022
Recently someone said to me, “Jesus died on Good Friday, right? And came back to life on Easter Sunday? What I want to know is, when did he die again?” We often hear people talk about Jesus" coming back to life again”, when the truth is Jesus is resurrected, transformed into a new being Death is overcome for good. Destroyed forever. In our Bible reading today we reflect on the account of Martha and Mary grieving the death of their brother Lazarus. When Jesus finally arrives he weeps - for Lazarus, for Mary and Martha, weeping for his own death that is to come. He weeps at in justice, weeps because we are so slow to understand and believe the Good News. Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life", and calls Lazarus back from death and out of the tomb. Lazarus was resuscitated and unchanged, the same man and brother he had always been. Jesus is resurrected, transformed into a new being. For Lazarus, death is put on hold; he will one day become ill again, one day he will die. But Jesus will make the journey through death and out the other side into a new life. The raising of Lazarus is a foretaste of the hope that is offered to each one of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.