Sunday 31 January 2021
Today we look at the first part of the passage our ‘Verse For The Year’ stems from – where Peter and John heal the lame beggar. In particular we’re looking at how these two apostles explained the healing to the crowd of onlookers. Despite being so close to Jesus and, in the past, wanting to get some of the “glory” for themselves (see Mark 10: 35-45) they had matured. Instead they were keen that all the glory went to Jesus – now alive and sending his spirit to all believers. It makes me think – am I humble enough just to concentrate on God’s kingdom and my place of serving within it, not looking for any “glory” myself?
Also, our writer, Luke, wants to make it clear that this ability to heal wasn’t a “possession” but stemmed from a regular and close connection with God. Just before our passage comes the account of when all the believers devoted themselves to teaching, prayer and (as there was no Covid!) meeting together.
Do I see my faith as a “possession” or more of a relationship needing cultivating?