Sunday 16 January 2022
The 'I Am' Sayings of Jesus: Introduction to the Sermon Series
We’re going to be thinking about the “life” that Jesus offers all of us – as it’s described in John 10: a “life to the full”. It got me thinking that it must be more than simply existing in the sense that we’re biologically alive . . .but also it’s not the sort of life that’s the “living it up” that we sometimes hear of. So – what is it then?
The word “life” in John’s gospel is always connected with Jesus (or God) – so it’s a God-life, or as it’s put in our Verse for the Year, a life ‘in his name’. It’s a life we find when we stop trying to put pleasing ourselves always at the top of our agenda and start to look to God for his strength and direction first and foremost. It’s a life that’s an adventure and surprisingly good and rewarding. As someone put it: “it is life at its scarcely imagined best”. It’s a life that we are born into spiritually and then grow and flourish as we mature.
Many of us know this life but would love to grow into it more fully and some of us have yet to begin that journey. Will you use this year to find that “life to the full” that Jesus talked about?