This Sunday we shall be continuing with our sermons based on the Pastoral Principles series. This week Tom will be looking at what Jesus said about the dangers of being…
How to overcome tunnel vision with the help of the Lords Prayer. Tune in to hear more.
You’ll have heard that some of us are doing the “Pastoral Principles” course looking at how, as Christians, we are to approach areas where we may disagree. One of the…
Washing someone’ s feet after a hot day in the middle east was as far away from a “pretty” sort of job as you can get! As Jesus offered this…
We may not be royalty – but, as Christians, we are also called to serve those around us – what might that look like in your and my life?
Have you ever seen a vine at harvest time? It may have been either on holiday or maybe you’ve seen pictures on the TV... and you’ll have seen the vine…
He is Risen!
During our first Sunday services, we’ve been looking at different people who met Jesus in John’s gospel. In particular we’ve looked at the barrier each of them had and how…