Saturday 17th May 2025
Ticket cost £10. Doors will open at 7pm.
For more information and to register/book tickets, please click here or visit: https://ccwsm.org.uk/god-the-bible-and-everything/
Our Evening Prayer Services are usually held once per month.
The Evening Service in April will take place on Sunday 6th April at 6pm. This will take the form of a Lenten Healing & Wholeness Service.
Please see the Calendar under the ‘What’s On’ menu for the dates of future services.
We hold a Repair Café here at Christ Church which takes place on the second Saturday of each month (excluding August & December) from 10am-12:30pm.
Please look under the ‘Community’ menu + ‘Repair Café’ for more information relating to this.

Easter Family Fun!
Saturday 12th April ~ 2:30pm – 4:30pm
£1.00 per person (Babies – 6 months and under, go free)
Come and join us for a fun, family time as we look forward to EASTER!
Crafts, games and activities! Prizes! Refreshments!
Easter Hat Competition! – Make a hat at home and wear it in our parade – Prizes for adults and children.
Hear the Easter Story – ‘EMPTY!!’
We’ll finish off with an Easter Egg Hunt and each child can collect a goody bag on the way home!
- Numbers are limited for this event.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult.
- To book your tickets please complete the form below. Once the form is complete you will receive a ‘success message’. Then look out for an email confirming your places and a link to pay for your tickets.