On the 21st – 23rd October we’re having a Church Weekend at Home. It’s a time to enjoy each other’s company, have some great teaching from Archdeacon Adrian, worship, eat together . . . . also – at the end of the day – to be able to go back to our own beds! We held one a few years ago which was a great success. It’s for both our church families and will be based at Christ Church.
The weekend will include supper on the Friday evening. A 9.30am breakfast on both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday morning Adrian will be looking at “Everyday Faith” with us all. We are planning a group for children during part of the morning. Then there will be lunch and after an optional gentle walk. The evening will be “seaside themed” with a fish and chip supper (or you can order other chip shop alternatives) with seaside music and fun! On the Sunday we’ll have breakfast together followed by a specially themed service at Christ Church to finish the weekend. Although it’s wonderful if you can make all the sessions, you don’t have to come to every one.
The cost of the weekend is £25 per adult (children come free) which will include all the food. If you wish to miss the Saturday evening the cost is £20. We appreciate these are difficult economic times, so if you’d love to come but are having difficulty finding all the money, do please have a word with Tom.
To book your place:
- Complete the registration form below.
- When you submit the form by clicking on Register you then need to click on the link to go to the payment page.
- Choose either the Full Weekend or the Not Saturday night option and Add to basket
- Click on View Basket
- If needed, change the quantity to 2 or more and click on Update Basket
- Click on Proceed to checkout
- Complete the checkout screen and please add the names of the people who the payment covers in the Additional information order notes box
- Click Place order
Looking forward to joining you on what will be a great weekend.
Tom & Larissa